Previs progress
After having a chat with Brendan on Tuesday I decided to rearrange my story slightly. Brendan felt that the end of my story didn't really have a conclusion and that I should add more tension in the middle. So now I have it that the picture frame is in danger of being destroyed and my character saving the frame is actually what restarts the engine. I actually like the flow of the story better like this. I still need to adjust some camera angles obviously but I'm happier with the actual narrative now.
So now that my character modelling is finished I moved onto rigging and blendshapes. I created the bones and control shapes for my character before I gave it to Krish so he could skin her for me. Krish fixed any control shapes i got wrong (mostly the arms) and added a few bones i had forgotten (I only put two bones in the fingers instead of three) and then skinned it for me.
I then moved onto creating blendshapes for my character. I'm pretty happy with my selection of blendshapes right now but I may end up adding more as I progress on with the project.
I then moved onto creating blendshapes for my character. I'm pretty happy with my selection of blendshapes right now but I may end up adding more as I progress on with the project.
Here are some pictures of my final character model. If I keep editing stuff and changing things I will be there forever and never finish the project so I'm stopping here.
Some slight revisions. I'm still working on it
So this is the first suuuuper rough cut of my previs. Just watching through this I can see a whole bunch of shots that need to change. I'm going to do maybe one more pass of it on monday to fix the things that I think should change and add some audio before I start getting help and/or feedback from the rest of the class. (Unless any of you are reading this and have any suggestions now =) ). The environment model I'm using in the background is not finished yet jsyk but it gives a rough idea of the setup.