Maya and Mudbox
15:01Over the last 2 weeks we have had intro classes for Maya and Mudbox. I have used both of these programmes before but its always good to go back to the basics and remind myself of some of the things I have inevitably forgotten about the programmes.
Our first task was to model a bedroom in Maya. I also decided to uv map the room as I'm not very confident with uv mapping so I thought it would be good to have a little refresher.
Next we moved onto some basic sculpting in Mudbox. I haven't used Mudbox in a few years and I wasn't very confident in it when I did use it (that may have partially been due to the fact that my laptop really could not handle it and would crash every hour when i tried to use it, it never quite recovered from that).
This is the model I made in the class (slightly inspired by Mr Punch from Rivers of London which I read the other week when I was procrastinating instead of writing my contextual review)
Here is a second slightly updated version but I thought the neck ridges were making it a bit too much like a Cardassian redesign.
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