Maya and Mudbox


Over the last 2 weeks we have had intro classes for Maya and Mudbox. I have used both of these programmes before but its always good to go back to the basics and remind myself of some of the things I have inevitably forgotten about the programmes.

Our first task was to model a bedroom in Maya. I also decided to uv map the room as I'm not very confident with uv mapping so I thought it would be good to have a little refresher.

Next we moved onto some basic sculpting in Mudbox. I haven't used Mudbox in a few years and I wasn't very confident in it when I did use it (that may have partially been due to the fact that my laptop really could not handle it and would crash every hour when i tried to use it, it never quite recovered from that).

This is the model I made in the class (slightly inspired by Mr Punch from Rivers of London which I read the other week when I was procrastinating instead of writing my contextual review)

And this is the model I made after class, the task was to change the base model into our own original character. I'm not really sure what she is but she was fun to make.

Here is a second slightly updated version but I thought the neck ridges were making it a bit too much like a Cardassian redesign.

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