"Tamara" by House Boat Animation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4frsp-rR6c). I really love this animation, I like the art style but to be honest what really drew me to this animation was the story and the use of ASL, I don't think I have seen another animation that uses sign language. (Really beautiful end credits too.)
"Mon ami le robot" by Cube Creative (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ik43ewLOrvo) was reccomended to me by Brendan in one of our Tuesday afternoon classes way back in semester one. I love those underwater environments. Its a really nice art style too, I sometimes feel like I watch (and make) a lot of stuff that is quite Pixar/Disney so its always nice to see other art styles. I should branch out more stylistically in my own work.
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