11:29We have had quite a few production meetings now to work on our story for the Axis brief. After being told our initial idea was a bit dark we changed track completely. The new concept is focused on a group of toys that come to life and re-enact the Jeremy Kyle show. We managed to edit a bunch of clips of the show together to give us a rough script. We are still refining it but its pretty much there.
We then moved on to working out the set.
And began to storyboard (boards drawn by Andrea)
We also built a little model of our set with objects we had in the studio to try and help us work out camera angles or whether we were crossing the line.
Sonic is playing Jeremy Kyle, Gonzo is the rabbit (with little chocolate rabbits as his family members), the robot is the lie detector, I think the glove is playing the pig and Mr Motivator is playing the trolls.
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