Starting to put the shots together


So today Andrea, Li, Stathis and I took the shots that had been comped already to the edit suite to cut them together to make sure they all looked consistent and to pick up any problems in the animation/lighting/rendering/comp. Overall the shots looked really good together I think. There are some minor problems in some of the animations and occasionally the smoothing of the models but overall we are pretty happy with the shots we tested today. We fixed a few of the issues we found in order to re-render if we have time. We are going to do the same thing on Monday with (hopefully) the rest of the shots to see how the whole thing looks.

(Its very odd seeing it with bits missing, I can basically recite the dialogue in my sleep now so it really throws me when bits aren't there)

(And here is us awkwardly posing for a photo as things rendered out of premiere.


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